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St Benedicts's Primary School

Medical Care

Parents must inform the school of any medical concerns, particularly allergies and epilepsy, or if your child is attending a hospital for any reason.

Staff are only allowed to administer medicine prescribed to a particular child. Parents will need to sign a waver so that we can administer this medication. The administration of any medicine is carefully logged. Staff will supervise children who must use an inhaler for asthma.

The class teacher will inform you if your child has an injury or illness during the school day, which in their opinion, you should be aware of. In the event of a serious accident, every effort will be made to contact the child’s parent/guardian, but if this is not possible, the child will be taken to hospital for treatment and the parent/guardian contacted as soon as possible.

As a school we do have a duty to report concerns about the wellbeing of children to other agencies. On some occasions this may be done before referring the matter to a child’s parents or guardians.

During admission procedures, parents/ guardians will be asked to provide two emergency contact telephone numbers. If, for any reason, either of these change, please inform the school immediately.

0121 4646420