Public Notice - Notice of Proposed Change to the Age Range of St Benedict’s Infant School
Notice is given in accordance with Section 19(1) of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 that Birmingham City Council (‘the Council’) is proposing to make a prescribed alteration to St Benedict’s Infant School, St Benedict’s Road, Birmingham B10 9DP (‘the School’), a community primary school as follows:
- Change the upper age limit at the School from 7 years to 11 years so as to offer junior (key stage 2 provision) with effect from 1st September 2018. The current age range is 3 – 7 years. The proposed age range is 3 – 11 years
Altering the upper age limit will enable the school to become an all through primary school with both key stage 1(infant) and key stage 2 (junior) phases.
The current net capacity of the school is 450.
The proposed net capacity of the school is 420
The Office of the School Adjudicator approved a change to the admission number for September 2018 to 60.
This notice is an extract from the complete proposal. Copies of the complete proposal can be found on
If you require a hardcopy of the complete proposal this can be obtained by writing to: School Organisation Team, Education Infrastructure, PO Box 15843, Birmingham B2 2RT, or by requesting a copy from the School. Within four weeks from the date of publication of this proposal, any person may object to, comment on or make representations regarding these proposals by submitting comments through the above web site or by writing to the School Organisation Team at the above postal address. The date by which objections, comments and representations must be received is 27th March 2018. The Council will then take all views into consideration and make a determination regarding the proposal by 27th May 2018. If the Council does not make a determination on or before that date the Schools Adjudicator will determine whether the proposal shall take effect.
Signed: Colin Diamond CBE
Corporate Director Children and Young People
Date: 27th February 2018