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St Benedicts's Primary School

Primary School of Music

Watch to find out about the impact.

Watch the launch of the event.

The RBC St Benedict’s Primary School in Small Heath, Birmingham, is the first RBC Primary School of Music. Our school will be working closely with RBC over the next two years and beyond to provide a range of high-quality music opportunities for staff and pupils both within St Benedict’s and at RBC.  The aim of the programme is to create a sustainable model for primary music education by training classroom teachers to use music in their classrooms, through team teaching and an extensive programme of teacher training sessions across the academic year. 

What are the aims of the project?

  • Foster a whole school community love of music.
  • Use a shared musical language in a multilingual school.
  • Put music at the heart of the community.
  • Create an outstanding music curriculum.
  • Develop a sustainable and replicable model for primary music education.
  • Deliver an effective learning partnership between primary and higher education.


What does the project involve?

The RBC Primary School of Music programme contains the following elements:


  • Training sessions for staff.
  • School and RBC team teaching.


  • Curriculum development.
  • Cross-curricular links e.g. oracy and science.
  • Musical literacy.

Co-curriculum - music outside the classroom

  • Professional performances in school and at RBC.
  • Pupils perform alongside professional musicians.
  • Playground songs and games.
  • Whole-school singing sessions.


The programme began with a surprise flash mob event at the school, with RBC LEAP Ensemble surprising students and staff with pop-up performances in the classrooms, midway through their other curriculum lessons. This culminated in the school’s first orchestral concert, with St Benedict’s enjoying an exciting and varied programme of music, which, for most of the children and staff, was their first orchestral experience. Since launching, our children have been enjoying a variety of opportunities, including weekly after-school clubs, whole school singing lessons and Kodály-inspired musicianship classes. Children and parents have been treated to performances in school by eminent Indian classical musicians through our RBC and BCU Partnership with the Indian Cultural Commission.

Watch our children perform at RBC

RBC St Benedict’s School of Music is generously supported by an anonymous donor and enables RBC to create a sustainable and replicable model for primary music education, with the aim of sharing this model with more schools across the country. This partnership also gives RBC students a safe environment to develop their pedagogy skills, with the support of experienced mentors and RBC staff.

What is the impact of the project?

January Update

Read more about the impact of our Primary School of Music leader, Claire Wilson


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